There is FUN for everyone!

Hello! My name’s Natalia Liashko and I am your GPS navigator in English language FUN learning.

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About Me

Holding a BA in English studies, I have been teaching English for 19 years to students of different ages and levels. I consider myself as a highly qualified teacher trainer in Ukraine and abroad. Among my achievements there are international qualifications such as CELTA, DELTA (Module 2), IH-CYLT, TKT, CAE, etc. I am a frequent speaker of international conferences delivering practical workshops to teachers in the UK, Poland, Slovakia, Greece, Moldova and other countries. I am also an International Speaking Examiner and a neurolanguage coach. My motto in teaching is “every difficult student is a sharpener to teacher’s professionalism”.

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Natalia, I want to thank you for your amazing booklets. Kids are super excited! They ask for the games every day. THANK YOU 🤗 that you give us a chance to apply those ideas

Inna, Ukraine

Natalia, I am so grateful that I met you 🫶 As a teacher I have always been looking for minimum preparation activities that are fun and practical, something that actually works in the lesson. And I absolutely fell in love with your ideas! Now my students WORK and I SHOP! 👌 Thank you and all the best!

Sabina, Czech Republic

I highly recommend Natalia Liashko’s ‘ The Power of Dice’ a collection of ten activities that cover grammar, vocabulary and speaking. These activities can be adapted to different levels!!!Congratulations Natalia! I just love it!

Myrsini, Greece